
Childhood, those were the days when the happiness was determined by having your favorite food for the dinner or hitting the ball farthest or perhaps the thing that having to do absolutely nothing. Sadness was derived from the mood of your favorite cartoon character and the biggest tension was the fact that One still has to go to school on the Monday no matter what. I Belonged to the generation when the mobile phones were the thing of rich people and hardly one or two people in the entire area used to have one. Even though the Mobiles were rarity but in addition to food, cloth and shelter, Television were the absolute necessity. finding time for our cartoons between Papa's News and Mummy's Daily soap were the real struggle. The houses around every evening used to be absolutely buzzing during prime time. But one thing that could bring everything to absolute standstill was, POWERCUT. A huge crisis. After a loud disappointing sigh everything used to come to pin drop silence. But then something special used to happen. Everyone would come out of their houses. The kids, the Men, The Female and the Old ones. And it would be like festival. My entire neighborhood used to feel like marketplace. The sounds of TV were replaced by loud chattering of uncle, aunties. We kids were busy running after one another. Picking in the serious political discussions of the uncles for a while then after failing to understand anything, taking the kids caravan to the Intense Daily Soap Discussions of the Aunties. Well to be honest though it was boring but at least was familiar as it's an unsaid rule that everyone has to watch whatever Mummy wants. Eventually we kids used to head towards the older ones. And that's where we used to find our fun place. The grandmother of one of friends was our favorite person to go to. Because of her fantasy world stories used to lit our faces even in that darkness. Finally, after all the running and visiting almost every house in the neighborhood our caravan used to stop in our front yard. We used to put a huge Mat across our front yard and lie on it glazing at the beautiful Night sky above our head. After watching SWADESH everyone would try to find some crazy little patterns amongst the stars. Our favorite thing would be to troll this poor little guy who was always trying to show some horrible pattern with even disastrous description. Eventually after multiple failed attempts to try to count the number of stars in the sky we would not realize when we would go asleep. That accidental Power cut used to bring people together to share Power cut memories that has happened before while creating some new ones for the future. Tonight, my electricity meter burnt into flames causing one of those accidental Power cuts. But unfortunately, neither do I live in that village any longer nor did the meters of my neighbors in Apartment burn. But when I went to balcony, the Surreal Night Sky Full Moon took me all the way down to those childhoods' days.


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